As one of the founders and creators of this art class, it was clear to me from our very first session nearly 15 years ago that creating a nurturing and comfortable environment was vitally important for our customers. While many attended for the art, numerous others joined for various personal reasons.
We’ve had customers of all ages, right up to their mid 90’s, some who were looking to get out of the house and escape loneliness, caregivers seeking respite, individuals mourning the loss of a loved one on the advice of their bereavement counsellors, and those rehabilitating muscles in their hands and arms. Families would come together, bringing elderly parents. With such diverse reasons for attending, many were understandably nervous when they first arrived. It quickly became evident that these were people who needed to be looked after, nurtured, and made to feel completely welcome, safe, and appreciated in our classes. We cultivated a culture of kindness, gentleness, and respect to ensure everyone who walked through our doors felt comfortable enough to return time and time again.
In our training with all tutors and branch owners, we have consistently emphasised the importance of kindness, patience, and inclusivity. These values are enshrined in our training manuals, underscoring their importance.
Coming from the service industry, I had developed a keen eye for body language and subtle cues. I could instantly tell if someone needed help, whether they couldn’t see properly and needed a little confidence to come up to the front of the class with me, or if someone couldn’t hear well and needed something repeated.
No matter how many times a question was asked, it was always answered as if it had never been asked before. We were very mindful that people have things going on at home and that these activities often served as more than just art classes—they were safe havens.
What we saw was delightful: confidence building, laughter, and shared jokes. Students enjoyed sips of tea while admiring each other’s work. They supported each other, fetching tea and biscuits, looking out for one another, wondering if someone was okay if they hadn’t turned up that day. Newcomers were taken under the wing of regulars, we saw students promising to call each other during the week to check in or meet for coffee. We even witnessed a romance develop between two people who totally deserved something nice to happen for them.

They say you shouldn’t mix business with pleasure, but it was impossible not to. We couldn’t help but become friends with these lovely people, and we looked forward to seeing them every week. It wasn’t like a real job—it was hard work, but it was wonderful fun. We went home knowing that everybody had had a great day and was happy with what they’d achieved in class and could carry on enjoying this at home long after the hall doors had closed. At the end of each course, during our exhibitions, we got to meet family members and friends who came to support them and view their work. It really was the nicest feeling.
Some of the branches have gone on to organise regular meals for all the students, trips to art galleries and museums, and special shows. Some even bake wonderful cakes and raise money for charity. We are regular donors ourselves and, over the past 15 years, our collective efforts have supported numerous charities although I have lost track of what we have collectively raised. Our most recent fundraiser, still ongoing, has raised £5,262 for the Horizon Scandal Fund, benefiting sub-postmasters who really needed the financial help.
On another note, some students have gone on to become professional and to have exhibitions, sell their work and take commissions!
Our art classes are more than just a place to learn; they are often likened to being part of a club, a part of something lovely, enriching the lives of those who attend across the country, and in some cases the place where future treasured family heirlooms are created!
We can’t wait to see you!
Best wishes,
Co-founder of The Seasons Art Class UK Ltd.